Hi. I'm David Tauraso.

Hi, I'm David. I'm a full-stack web developer specializing in JavaScript and React.

I hold a Computer Science degree from Sonoma State University and recently completed Lambda School's 9 month Full Stack Web Development and Computer Science program. Throughout this experience, I've developed appreciation for details, problem solving, and communication skills. My interest is to leverage those skills with web technologies to create valuable and cutting-edge applications. Throughout my time at Sonoma State, I worked as a Programmer Consultant and throughout my time at Lambda worked to build a React-based application for a real-world stakeholder as part of my capstone project.

I enjoy programming on the side, exercising, and reading. If you want to know more, let's connect!

My skills include the following:

React, HTML, CSS, Git, JSON, Linux, LESS, Python, C++, MySQL, Swift, C, Common Lisp, JavaScript, Algorithms, Data Structures, OOP, FP

Linkedin Resume Github

Here’s some stuff I made recently.

Celebrity Dead or Alive

React | Axio | Formik

You may need to click the quiz link to get the quiz loaded properly the first time. The pictures take a few seconds to load.

Find out how good you are at knowing which celebrities are dead or alive out of 10 celebrities!

I developed the quiz logic using React.

I developed the user login and register using Formik.

Celebritiy Dead or Alive code

Dev Help Desk

React | PostgreSQL | Jest

We had 1 week to complete this project.

Student tickets appear in the helper account so they can be resolved.

Students can get help for computer related problems by posting tickets.

I developed the CRUD operations for the ticket reactions. Ticket reactions are like a chat between the ticket poster and the helper.

I collaborated on the endpoints for registering and logging in users and helpers.

I collaborated with a team of 9 people.

I tested features regularly with postman.

Dev Help Desk code

Sauti Databank

React | Apollo | GraphQl | MySql

The site is behind a paywall.

A data visualizer for cross border traders located in Africa.

Users have the option to register to proceed to the data with limited features.

You may filter or crossfilter the data in any way you wish.

Addititonally, you can download the result of any search if you are a paid member.

I designed the filter selection logic, by paying back a lot of technical debt and added the ability to make many "additional" filters for non free users.

I collaborated with a team of 5 developers over the course of 8 weeks to complete app.

Sauti Databank Front End code

Contextual State Chart

Graph | DFT | BFT | Tree | Hash Tables | Stack | State Chart

This is a personal CS project

The image above is a demo of this program running a calculator program as a test case.

The calculator program takes a string of arithmetic and runs order of operations on it.

The operations used are multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.

I designed the Contextual State Chart to allow users to make a hierarchical timeline of states, where each state runs a function.

I developed versions using JavaScript(2018) and Python(2018)

Have me make stuff for you.

Shoot an email to dtauraso@gmail.com and I'll respond within 24 hours.

Let's Connect
